

If one of our right gets violated, we feel so bad and directly decides to complain for it. But no one stands up when one defies to fullfill their duty. Just because it's non justiciable, no one punishes for this evasion, no one accuses us for this recusal, we assume this that oh! it's completely fine for no fulfilling this.
Vote! This one word in itself tells us a long story. A story full of protest and revolution by commoners to ask it as a right. French revolution, Bolshevik revolution, even in our own country since 1833 we fought equal voting rights for all. From first entry in legislative council in 1861 to 1909 in executive council and further in 1935 for universal adult franchise to majority of Indians, we've come far ahead of times. In American history, the war for independence 1775 to the Montgomery bus boycott, sparked by activist Rosa Parks, is an important catalyst for the civil rights movement. Other important protests and demonstrations included the Greensboro sit-in and the Freedom Rides. All we fought just to have this right to express our opinion, to be a part of democracy.
"LIBERTY, EQUALITY, FRATERNITY" the three golden words which every socialist thinker worships is not only a part of French revolution but is mentioned in very Preamble of our constitution. You may ask why? the answer is simple it was to ensure that people must know that this is the very fundamental objective of our constitution. No one can snatch this from the civilians.
But what are doing today, rather than being snatched, we on the other side is voluntarily letting go off this blessing. Today we'll have this legal right to vote, but are we no longer interested to have such a wonderful right which makes us an integral part of this democratic structure?. Today to make us fullfill this right of ours, government is doing efforts; Voting holidays, awareness campaigns, continual online reminders and many more. Why are they doing this?, for themselves?. No, even if we don't vote, there lies a provision which states that in case of zero voting the returning officer can choose the winner by a lot. It's this simple for anyone to come to power. But they are still requesting us to use our right and participate. Still, we are not.
There exists various reasons to this as if, others are not doing, what will change if I won't vote, let's enjoy today's holiday, why to waste time in voting, the list goes on. Obviously, when we want to refuse anything there automatically comes lakhs of excuses to not do it, Alas! we remain unable to find just one reason to only for have ten minutes to vote. What will happen if you don't live, still nothing will change, but still we want to live. Others are not doing this, ok, others are also committing murder, theft, rape, go with them, join them, do what others are not doing, but not even for a second try and think if everyone will think this only, than obviously no will perform their duty.
Voting is not simply a right, it's our duty, many people shed their blood for this to happen. A symbiotic relationship that exists in a parliamentary democracy between a legislator and a voter begins with voting only. Why "WE THE PEOPLE OF INDIA" simply refuse to participate in the biggest festival of Indian democracy?. Can't we just realise what is good for us and what's not. Being the new generation atleast we should not forgo this festival. Let us do participate, it'll be fun, trust me.... it'll be victory of our responsibility and wisdom. The decision is yours what you want a complete anarchy or a friendly democracy.
© Ritu