

Jeeves And The Unwanted Dog. A novel by Markus Sixtenstam.
Chapther 1. An unspected guest.
This morning i was so tired. I only wanted to sleep. Then Jeeves came in with my tea. Say what you Will about tea, but it helps sometimes to think.
And I was indeed in need to think.
My aunt Agatha was angry at me for not wanted to help her to watch Her dog bartolomeow. Funny name on a dog.
But there you have it in a nutchell.
So i was trying to get a new plan to avoid this job.
Jeeves i said when i had take a sip on The tea.
Yes Sir?
Im in hell Jeeves.
Are you sir?
Yes Jeeves. In a bottomless hell.
May i ask sir why?
You May Jeeves. I have been asked to
Take care of aunt Agatha dog Jeeves.
Indeed Sir?
Yes Jeeves. Can you help me with that.
NO Sir i am afraid.
Not that answer you want to hear when you feel like you are in hell.

Jeeves was angry at me becauce i had grown a moustache.
In his eyes it didnt look good on me but i stand firm. It was my moustache and it shall remain there it is on my upper lip.
Have i told you about my friend in my club The drones?
His name is Tuppy Glossop.
He is allright but have sincere problems in that hes always fall in love all Most every day.
Now he wanted me to help him to marry Vanessa Cook.
She is Nice but not an good life companion.

In fact a woman to aviuod.
I avoiud her so much i Can.
If Tuppy wants her allright with me!
But dont count on me to help him.
Im an beliver in helping others, but i dont want to meet vanessa Cook again. Not in this life!
Im Now felt sad for myself for being followed by crazy People.
I shall stand firm Now.

I knew that Jeeves would not help me so i must try to make up a plan how to Bee free from both Aunt Agatha and her hellhound. And Tuppy.

© Mark