

Nicole Cross and her magic voice
Tonight your voice can heal my hurt soul, is making me smile, cry of joy. I just do not want this to end, keep singing, keep soothing this pain, keep company to my tears.
I am crying with you, your voice makes this moment so perfect, I am just lying here crying with your voice, losing myself with it, singing with you from far away.

Even sadness is smiling with the rithm of your voice, silence will be scared if you stop . You say in your song that everything is going to be alright, that everybody is hurt sometimes...like I am tonight. I don't want your song to end. I feel like a crying baby with a giant hole in my chest. I am just craving for some light in this darkness that is consuming me slowly inside. Take away this poison with your voice, just kill me tonight... just let me go to find endless peace with your voice and reborn...just stay, sing forever, my eyes are dry,  my tears were drowned by your voice, your singing is whispering calm.

Nicole your voice is perfectly tinted by magic, I can imagine all broken hearts listening, just dancing with your voice, healing themselves inside with every note.

Thank you tonight for hugging me in my sorrow and making my world shine.

