

Around An Look What's This
I was walking down the street then
I saw a box on the corner
So I look around and take it home
And no one is after me
So I go inside and lock my door
And then I turn to look in that
box but it's top was off and something
was running around the table I don't
know what it is but it was moving fast
So I chase it around my house and it's
laughing an play in me.
Then I say what do you want from me
And it runs in the corner.
And it looks at me I am your worse
day mare and I got skills to back it up
So don't put me in a corner
are think that I can't get to you.
You let me in now I am the owner of you
And now you must go into
my box so I fly to his box and the lid
closes oh will people ever learn what
you find may not be good for you
in the long run. So if you see this package with this in it you know
not to take it home then he got it
And throughout the package
And he sat down and had a cup of tea.
And the new owner of that man's house smiled and said oh who will be next
an I got all this by trading places with
a finder keeper. So he uses the phone
And says this is Yasme and I want to
let you know that the man that used to live here moved out and now I am in
So where are you located so I can come pay my rent. And the person on the phone tells him. And then he hangs up the phone and he blinks from all the excitement. And he says I think I got
another one and he blinks to the office.
But the church owns the man's property
So he disappeared saying no Has me I got you you bad thing still tricking people with your 🎁 s on the street corner well this time I got you.
Now I need to put a new rent this sign out. Oh Has me what have done to me
the last tenet was a great paying customer. And those are very hard to find around town yes!
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