

Iris [Twilight] - 4 + 5
Iris was five years old when she was taken away from her second home.

Her teachers at the kindergarten she attended had gotten suspicious. The bruises and the dirty dresses told a story on their own.

The teachers had gotten concerned, calling Child Protection Services to investigate the Lahote family. And when they paid a surprise visit, they had to come with the police to arrest Paul and Rachel for child neglect.

With that, Iris and Sarah had been sent to another family member who was deemed eligible to raise them. Their aunt Rebecca in Hawaii. At the very least, the two girls would be kissed by the sun.


And at the beginning, the two girls indeed were kissed by the sun.

Rebecca and Solomon Finau were young, living in a house close to the beach with their own children, who bonded with Sarah, but disliked Iris. They disliked her because she didn't look like them. Because she was different.

"How did you get your eyes? Those eyes aren't ours!", One of Iris' cousins had asked. All of Iris' relatives she had seen had the same dark brown eyes, reminding her of the coffee aunt Rebecca and uncle Solomon would drink every morning.

She hadn't answered. What could she have told them? She didn't know why her eyes were grey. She didn't even know if her parents had grey eyes, having never seen any photos of them. Or if she had, she had been too young to remember.

#twilight #fanfiction