

Dark Horror Secret Versus Magically Mysterious Beauty Chapter : 1.3
After having a whole discussion about the contract , I said goodnight to King Vincent politely and marched towards my bedroom to have some rest. I changed into my night clothes, then headed to bed and drifted off. While I was asleep, I felt as if I was laying down on piece of cloud and my body felt like a feather , which was really a strange feeling because I never felt something like that.

When I woke up the next day, my head was getting so light, so I decided to take a shower with some hot water to clear up my mind and to get rid of this strange feeling. After having shower I felt so relaxed . Then I went to change into some cozy so I dressed into a girly baby pink sweater and trouser. Afterwards, I was feeling so hungry so I went downstairs to the dining room for a breakfast. There, King Vincent asked me if I was ready for the contract. As I had no other choice other than saying yes so I told him with confidence that I was ready for the contract for the sake of my mother's life.

King Vincent was surprised on my courageous response as he wanted to hear that from me but wasn't expecting me to say yes with so much courage. He smiled at me and he along with his sons admired my courage and confidence for an extremely dangerous journey , which was made the part of my life when I was not even born. After having the lunch, Edward brought me to the lawn of the castle. The lawn was huge and had a variety of fruits and flowers. I could smell the fresh green leaves of the plants and the fragnance of the flowers along with the wet dirt and grass. Then we went back to the castle.

In the evening , Ambrose showed me the three secret dungeons of the castle in
order to help me with my tasks. He gave me a circumstantiated information
about the three dungeons. First, he showed me the dungeon of Gehanna where people were being tortured and were massively bleeding. There was a
young man who was being tortured with blades and he was shrieking in pain. Then he showed me the dungeon of Barborousness where ordinary people were violently getting killed and there was massive amount of dead bodies laying on floor.

Lastly, he showed me the dungeon where I had to drink someone's blood. I went in the dungeon. Then they gave me a huge cup filled with blood . I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and drank it all in one gulp. The blood went down my throat and turned me into a vampire by fusing into my blood.