

:::The seed you sow:::

There is a popular driver in town. His driving pattern is that of a rollercoaster; high speed is his hobby. He is a transporter who specializes in smuggling of contraband goods from foreign countries.

During one of his operations, he tries to dodge a stop and search police team. The only way he can escape is to defy a traffic signal. He moves immediately as the light turns red and unfortunately, students from a close-by secondary school were about crossing the road...it was a dismissal period.

One of the students is Menyi; a twelve year old sophomore. He is the only child of Ote Antak's family. Ote Antak is an elementary school's Headmaster whose wife, Kete could only conceive after ten years in marriage. Unfortunately, Menyi becomes a casualty of the smuggler's recklessness. A case of hit and run.

"There's time for everything", says the holy book...a time to mourn and a time to laugh. While the family of Ote Antak are mourning the tragic demise of their only child, the family of one Ote Udiokune are celebrating the educational attainment of their only son, Ufuo. Ote Udiokune's wife, Ewei is a colleague of Mma Kete who just lost her only son; they're both fish traders. Ufuo has just been offered admission in a foreign university to study medicine and surgery. Every arrangement and documentation is made. He leaves for England... He is expected to make his family proud.

Years gone!

Ufuo has completed his studies and is set to return home. A lavish reception is organized by his family. Ufuo's parents are so excited. Their gate is left open for well-wishers to throng in to offer their congratulations. Ote and Nne Udiokune are proud parents of the latest graduate; a foreign trained medical doctor.

The d-day is here!

Off to the airport, they go. Ufuo sits in the plane with excitement and anxiety...he hasn't seen his parents for well over four years. The captain announces, "we're about touching down...flight attendant, be prepared for landing". The plane lands, Ufuo steps out; his parents are so glad to meet him again...they all share some warm embraces.

Before now, a taxi has already been booked. Ufuo's luggages are loaded, they head home for the continuation of the celebration. While on the way, Ufuo indicates he'd love to get some groceries from a supermarket. He is alighted, makes an attempt to cross to the end where the supermarket is. As he negotiates the crossing through a Y-junction, a reckless driver runs over him... It is another case of a hit and run. Ufuo dies on the spot.

Meanwhile, his parents, Ote and Nne Udiokune have their different versions of wailing... While his mother screams "why me?", his father, full of regret screams "what I did to someone else has befallen me!"

Do you now know the reckless smuggler who killed Menyi? It was Mr Udiokune! His deeds boomeranged, and he simply reaped what he sowed.

In all your actions, think of tomorrow!

© Joshua Books