

The Monster
The lights dim down and the show starts playing. She's watching anxiously as she paints a picture of how it ends. It soon becomes clear this is no regular movie. This is a layout of how she's been living. There's really no end since she hasn't died. At least not physically, not yet. Mentally she's fucked but she can admit that she knows it. All her family wants is their precious Bug that seems to have gone missing. It's clear they're not fond of the girl who surfaced. She still goes by Alisha; then again Ashley is fine also. Bug isn't gone she's just lost. Alisha lost her in the darkness. Afraid and alone, Alisha was vulnerable. There's an unknown amount of creatures that could be lurking. In fact, I already know there are. There's thousands unattended just quietly crawling gawking in awe. All such things we know to be dangerous. All such things have been stamped with caution so when they turn on their light to get you in their trap; you'll see the mark and think twice more. Surprisingly, none are interested to make her their prey. There's a reason this is happening. A predator more horrifying is lurking beyond the shadows. He's chosen her so others must retreat. She's locked in his sights unknowingly so. Had she knew were her friend was she'd already be home. Instead she kept walking causing herself to now be lost and alone. It's starting to get cold and her bones shake with no control. He's waiting to make his move. There's always a perfect time. He continues his hunt assuring he's out of her view. A few moments later is when he allows for his presence to be known. Not far behind her a sublte moan is heard. Dead in her tracks now unable to move; she whispers "Whose there"? Praying it's just a trick being played on her by her mind. With little luck of that prayer being heard the creature replies back with "It's okay. Please don't be frightened". Unsure of who was talking back she bites her tongue, pausing before she can generate words to spit out. He can't help but notice she's struggling. Obviously she's stunned and that's just want he wanted. Now to carry on with the same way he caught his others. "You shouldn't be left out here unattended. It's not safe for you. There's too many dangers to be revealed". He's informed that Bug is gone and she herself fears she will become that way here soon. "I can't search for her forever. I hope she will be alright" she said as he listen with joy. "I'm sure she'll be alright. There's no need to cry. I bet she made it home safely and you should do the same before it's too late". As she stands there pondering what he's just said she remembers her first question was given no answer. With her curiosity peaked "Who are you"? A deep malicious laugh he let's out and he answer with "I'm what you've never dreamed you couldn't live without" A light then flickers on. It's dim but it helps illuminate a small section. That's when he steps out showing who is talking. He has himself disguised knowing this keeps his victims from being alarmed. "Its getting chilly and you have no jacket. Here, come closer. I have extra warmth I can share with you". Going against all things her parents engraved into her; she trusts him blindly for the warmth that he's offered. After all, it's an essential, a necessity; if she has an interest in keeping the life she's got. She walks in his direction as he can't help but feel satisfaction. He his enormous arm around her and she asks "So what may I call you"? Now that she is already in his grip with no chance of slipping lose he has no problem sharing this. "You can call me The Monster. That's how I'm famously known" "The Monster? What is that"? Alisha asked. Oh it's been a long minute since he's introduced a new soul to his world. He forgets how thrilling it is when he all his secrets are shared. "My nickname is The Monster. Given to yours truly by others who's original identity is of no use to me. My real name is rather lengthy and takes time to dish out but I guess since you asked I'll tell you just the same. Methamphetamine, is what I'm called. If you would like something easier to say it can be shortened. Once abbreviated my name becomes short also becoming easier to speak. I'll say it but I want you to repeat after me. Meth. One more time just be sure you correctly heard me; Meth. On the count of three relay my name back to me. One. Two. Three". " Meth" Alisha speaks out then it occurs to her that she has no idea what the words she just spoke are about. She ponders as she thinks it repeatedly to herself until holding it in becomes unbearable and she shouts "Meth? I've heard of that before but it's never been explained just what exactly it means. I've been curious to find out but too scared to ever ask but since it's your name I have no problem with asking. Will you please oh please just tell me what it is? I beg you just inform me so I too can know". That's just the words he wanted to hear. He has no issue with showing her and in fact he experiences joy and pride as he does so. "It's a glorious thing that gives you a handful more of energy than you can hold. It makes every doubt of yourself and your worth a thing of the past. With it, you'll feel no need for rest. You'll do all sorts of tasks that without are dreadful. I can drag on and on with words that don't fully describe it. The best way you to understand it would only be if you dared to try it". Without giving it proper thought she automatically answers with yes not knowing the truth of what he's said. In the blink of an eye its directly in front of her. They both know she has no clue what to do with it. Just as he has done with the victims before her, he assists with melting it down and spinning it for her. "When I tell you to go seal your lips around this tube. You'll have to suck in until your lungs reach full capacity. I'm getting it ready now so take a deep breath and slowly let it out. Almost ready. Okay. Go!". She does as she was instructed uncertain she is even doing it right. She doesn't stop until her lungs max out. He assures her she got it and now it's time to exhale all she took in. She begins to let out what she breathed in. Releasing a gigantic white cloud that dissipates quickly and comes with no smell. In 30 flat seconds it kicks in and she feels it. An exhilarating jolt stronger than nothing she has ever consumed. The Monster is victorious in claiming Alisha's soul but he doesn't want to interrupt or change her thoughts on it just yet. Once it's too late and her soul is too lost in me to ever find her way back she will discover what mistake she made when we listened to a stranger. When he went against everything she had once known. Bug and Alisha have yet to be found. Almost two years have blown by and there's not shimmer of hope to find them. Alisha still uses the same name but she has not been herself since she crossed paths with The Monster that tricked her into allowing him a chance to obtain her soul and add to his collection. A new side of this young lady has been created; a side more cruel and angry. Only brought out when she is provoked Alisha will unleash her. It's believed by Alisha she's in control of this new side. Little does she know she holds no authority over herself or her new friend. Ashley, left in charge by The Monster, hides in the shadows of her mind so Alisha has no idea it's her making all choices in her life. The real Alisha will never again be seen nor will Bug and won't be long until the soul that belonged to angel is never wondered about.