

what being bullied can do to someone pt2
While everyone was laughing, her so called friends would also laugh at her and some boys, which were the (class clowns) would throw paper balls at her. For lunch she would sit with her so called friends and they would eat all of her food from her paper plate and laugh about it. Ally would laugh also because she thought, maybe they were just really hungry. After lunch period, most of Ally classes had substitute teachers because those classes couldn't keep teachers for long. That's when her day would get really bad because her classmates would act terrible in class and that's when she would become the target again. Half of the time she would just hide in the bathroom or in the auditorium. The auditorium was empty most of the time unless there were plays or something like that going on. She still went home with a smile on her face and told her mom she had a great day. Did her homework, showed her mom. Her mom checked the homework and after that, they would watch some TV, cook dinner together, have a great time. Ally had so much fun with her mother, that she forgets about school. One night Ally had such a terrible dream about school that she woke up and put a safety pin in her backpack. The next morning she's off to school, (love you mom), (love you too Ally and have a great day). Soon as she walked in and sat down for class, wondering if any of her bullies seen her. About 30mins into class, the bullying starts again. The teacher acts as if he doesn't hear nor see it. After 1st period class, she doesn't go to her next few classes because she decided to go to the bathroom. Another moment that teachers doesn't notice she's gone because she is the overweight loser. When she gets to the bathroom, she pulls out her safety pin and pulls up her sleeves all the way to her shoulders and starts to cut........