

Corona Virus Will Fall Too


The days too eventually fell silent,
No sounds, not even by the crows,
All you could hear was the sound of,
Fear knocking on the doors,
And none brave enough to answer!

The dreaded lockdown was in full force,
Every family and individual locked indoors,
Prisoners in their own homes,
Noone venturing outside,
For fear of catching the terrible disease!

The unthinkable had just happened:
The whole world under lock and key,
Panic and fear had turned the once free Earth,
Into one giant global prison cell,
That no one could escape from!

But who had  done this grave deed,
Who had brought the world to a standstill,
Who was behind this international fiasco,
The architect of such evil genius,
The diabolic hero of this  human horror story?

Who was there to shoulder the blame,
For this crime against all humanity,
Could it be the hand of a vicious terror group,
The mad scheme of a scientist gone rogue perhaps,
Or the wicked handwork of the prince of darkness himself?

Suddenly the media was abuzz with breaking news,
The perpetrator had finally been unmasked,
Ridden by guilt & shame, and a craving for the limelight,
A mysterious character had claimed responsibility,
For  in​car​cer​at​ing the world's whole population.

To everyone's surprise and disbelief,
The perpetrator was a one-man terror cell
A lone-ranger without an army it was,
He was as tiny and fragile as they come,
A microscopic  bio-gangster going by the name Coronavirus, Covid-19 to be specific!

So what were his would-be victims to do,
Cower back in fear and defeat,
Drown in their own sorrow and self-pity,
And allow covid-19 to take over,
Or refuse to be incapacited and dethroned by  this new menace

Dorning protective armour and weapons of warfare in unity,
Masks on face, sanitizers in hand, determination in their hearts,
Humans boldly confronted the invisible bully called Corona,
A combination of lockdown and social distancing, quarantine, and regular hand-washing,
Finally sealed Coronavirus' doom, giving conclusive victory to the united human race!

One by one the lockdown doors opened,
And streets were full once again,
with joy and laughter everywhere,
But important lessons had been learnt,
And life would never be the same again!
© Danisile Prinsloo Chivaura