

True love, is a treasure rare,
So elusive in the open air,
It seems to hide just beyond our grasp,
A dream we hold, but cannot clasp.

Its essence is pure, such a gentle light,
Yet often lost in darkest night,
Still we search with hope, with hearts open wide,
For a love that won’t be brushed aside.

We know it's built on trust, on depth and grace,
A bond that time cannot erase,
And in a world of fleeting trends,
True love withstands, and seldom bends.

But it requires a heart that's really true,
A soul that really sees the best in you,
Patience, kindness, a steady hand,
In a world that's already hard to understand.

Although it seems untouchable, and out of reach,
It's because its lessons deeply teach,
That love, real love, takes time to grow,
And often hides so we can know,

That when it’s found, it’s meant to stay,
As a guiding light along the way,
So although not always easy to attain,
But it's well worth the journey, well worth all the pain!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo