

Missing the childhood days if my kids
I miss your chuckles
I miss your cuddles
Your tiny steps
Your michiefs
You coming to me for everything
Sharing your day with me with delight
The mess you created all around the house
Kept me on my toes all day long
Not a single minute for myself
Just about you all the time
Thinking when you would grow up
So, I have all the time for myself and I can do whatever I want to
And now that you are all grown
And on your own
It is the old times that I long for
The house the clean
There is no noise and chuckles around
Now that I have all my time in the world
I miss my kids Who played around!

Childhood days of your kids shall never come back again. Be with them today, coz when they grow up tomorrow, you will have time, but not them.
© Yami2612Rao