

It will Never
Every decision is a gamechanger
So does every action! Transform,
It's time to say 'Ready Steady Wall'
Say it aloud inside, Rather Roar...

When the doors of wanderlust is shut,
The world of thousand tailed fox opens,
It's the gateway to the pleasure and joy,
Break your train of thoughts, It's Time!

Hurry up, before it sprout inside you,
The inner peace is gone with happiness.
Hurry! It's time to withdraw and re-live,
Close it tight for ever and ever, Do it now!

It is the tree that never will flower,
Not will bear fruit. It will wither,
The branches will decay, like life.
It will never shine, a sad end tale...

People may notice your distorted self,
It's time to say NO to and by yourself
Rekindle the new shade of life here,
It's a new experience, a new emotion.

Embrace the feeling, you earned for,
It's not the person, but the emotion,
You can carry that for a lifetime indeed,
It will stay with you forever as memory.

Pace a new way to your life now!
Make yourself new and refreshing,
Relearn the newness of life hereafter
Life has given you a chance to feel it!
© avn