

Wandering Soul
I found a book that tells a tragic tale,
of a creature born with a fate so frail—
A heroine once a damsel in distress,
who devoted her years pursuing a never-ending quest.

"Spent my days feeding my dragons,
slabs of meat carved from my body,
bargained and drank with my demons,
until nothing was left of me.

I have lived through countless midnights and years of chasing sunsets
knowing the sunrise would swallow them whole,
offered all my gold, treasures, and wine in golden goblets,
watched as they melted in a cauldron—as if they meant nothing at all.

I have reached the peak of a myriad of hills
to bury the faces of people I can no longer recall,
entered dungeons and caves to burn every shadow
that once haunted me every waking hour.

So what if I savored the glorious thrill,
clinging to life with desperate zeal?
Does that mark me as mentally ill,
when strife made me feel so real?

I couldn't help but wonder,
now that I've extinguished my anger,
what more does life have to offer
for this "fight-or-flight" junkie forcibly turned sober?

Will my soul finally settle into calm,
or will I still find myself in chaos' arms?
For what would the world else need of me
if not for my perseverance mixed with misery?"

#poetry #sionx #wandering #soul

© sionx