

Sometimes i wonder
why did i do that
why did that happem
i overthink cause am and overthinker
and overthinkers overthink
and just because i over think am always lost in my thoughts
and i either leave reality a side
or dwell on the past and what they were
thinking i thought if for them for me to answer my unanswered questions
and while am thinking what i think they are thinking
it brings me some sort of comfort
but then I think negative things cause they're a good and bad side to every story
and I can't only think what i want them to
think to make me happy
so anger fills me,
anger fills me because i am hurting myself trying
to see how you see the story
Trying to see what i did to make you did what you did
and that anger turns into sadness
because am crying because it hurts, cause
you still did what you did and
nothing changes
so yes i am overthinker
and i over think everything

© Missabiiii