

Who Am I Really

In this world of wonder, where identities blend,
I often find myself lost in thought,
A different kinda soul, I wear many hats,
My true self hidden, like a treasure in a vault.

Some say I'm confident, others quiet and shy
But the truth is, I'm still trying to seek.
I question who I am, each passing day,
As I navigate life's twists and turns.

With every step I take, another layer peeled,
Revealing depths that once were concealed.
Like an onion, I shed skins of old,
To embrace the person I'm meant to hold.

But even as I grow and learn and change,
There remains a mystery, a secret range.
For deep within, there lies a heart of gold,
A treasure chest of dreams yet untold.

So though you may ask, "Who are you?" today,
Tomorrow, I may have found a new way.
For in this journey of self-discovery,
I'm learning to love the questions, just like me.
So truth be told who am I really?
I'm really unsure.
someday I may find out that answer but not today.
© jenniejesterapel