

Consumed my Sadness, surrounded by Hate. Is this what you want from me, My Lord? Is this my fate? Haven't checked outside my door, or peered through the windows as of late.
The beatings of Society has left him with dread. To come and venture past his home, hearing the voices he knew what was said. How much can he take of the venomous words. To let them burrow under his flesh is outlandishly absurd. For once he was kind, a virtuous man was he. Then Woman he ignored a mistake you see. For Woman cast down words of untruth. The evils she spat gave others the proof. Word came down much like a tree dispatched. Pointing and Yelling as a Dragon unhatched. A gentleman does not spit back at discontent and hate. For his is to take his beatings. For this is his fate.
© Dale A Martinez