

#Thispoem was inspired by my friend Angel.

We are not colors, but the Light that shines,
Not bound by cultures, but by Nature's design.

We are not defined by races, but by grace,
Not limited by religions, but by unity's embrace.

We are not politicians, but holistic souls,
Tired of division, let's make ourselves whole.

Together, we are magnificent, it's true,
Together, we are magical, me and you.

Together, we are mystical, beyond compare,
Together, we are angelic, a divine pair.

Together, we are poetic, our words dance,
Together, we are life, let's take a chance.

Let's break free from the chains that bind,
And let our unity be the key to find,
A world where love and peace reside,
Where all differences are set aside.

So let's embrace our diversity,
And celebrate our shared humanity.
For in our togetherness, we find strength,
And create a world of harmony, at length.
© Universalconsciousness963