

New Yam Festival
Dance! Merry! Display our Heritage
It is Sacred! plethora of ideas,thoughts and rituals
for Ji comes from Chukwu
most revered of them all

chief crop of our people
Ahajioku! Do not desecrate
yes! it's tubers are harvested prior to the festival
Hearts and souls must be cleansed for Iri ji

Dance! Merry! let the gong and Ikoro entertain you
for labour and painstaking care
ji is a test of Strength
let the Umunna offer prayers of long life

Aha! Roast the Chief Crop
let the Ozo taste the Oil dripped meal
Beware!The Dibias are geared Itu Ogwu
show of artistic prowess

say some 'Ji is mythical in many ways
blood like fluid oozed from its tendril when cut off
for its hairy nature presents sprout remains of man
Entombed to appease Ahiajioku

Jiocha! special crop from Nnayi Igbo
planted on lush vegetation of Otuocha and Ogbaru
stealing and damage carries Ostracism
only Ala could settle such matters