

broken smile
when you see the girl with a broken smile
the one that always laughs and jokes around
ask her if u could talk to her for a Lil awhile
let her know she worth it and ur glad she is around
when u see the girl with a broken smile
she has no scars on her arms because it ain't attention that she is looking for
all her marks are hidden well and none of them are side to side they are all on a main vein straight up and down.
hidden bc she don't want people to think she crazy or she don't want to let no one down.
she just been so tired lately and is lookin her faith and it's hard for her to hold on
so when u see the girl will the broken smile just let her know she worth it and she someone u don't wanna live without
let her know she ain't everything she been told by those who traumatized her and let her down
let her know it's not her fault and that she is okay and safe now. just hold her for a Lil while
cant u see she crying out for help pls don't let her give up now
she scared of everyone even herself
just let her know it's OK to let her guard down

© CiaraLeighanne