

What if I refuse to be?
To do is to be
Or to be is to do?
To be, or not to be?
That's the question now.
That's always the question in question.

Summon all the big minds.
In the back of my yard.
I mean, the back of my head.
I need answers to my questions.
Does holding on pay off?
Do I have your permission to take off?

Forever stupid.
Forever strong.
Measure the bravery.
Through the amount of truth, the lines hold.
I don't have to walk steady anymore.

How much do you like me?
On a scale from one to ten.
I have proven more than one hundred times.
That's not something I'm concerned about.
Not troubled if someone gets cut.
After all, we all draw blood occasionally.
To check what's up.

Do me doing me, and only me,
Pays off in the end?
Pride doesn't support it.
The splitting of the bill policy.
Talking from experience.
I'm holding on.
Swinging on my flexible pen.
From the edge of a cliff.
With a view, I have never seen before.

Forever stupid.
Forever strong.
Measure the bravery.
Through the amount of truth, the lines hold.
I don't have to walk steady anymore.

Do I have your permission to take off?
Fall from the swing at full speed.
If the pen breaks, I can replace it.
But do I have your permission?
Do I have permission?
Most probably not.
But who is actually allowed?
To go to places that haven't been seen before.

The ability to break the law is a privilege.
And I'm a spoiled little princess.
A brat.
I discovered a new playground.
For myself to indulge in.
And I'm not really in a need of permission.

Forever stupid.
Forever strong.
Measure the bravery.
Through the amount of truth, the lines hold.
I don't have to walk steady anymore.

Still indie.
And ready to shed off my skin.
Still indie.
Crushed in between pages.
Still indie.
And remaining to be.

© Juliet Jeyn