

it was not so long ago
we were together
united and all in love
it seemed so timeless
I thot " we will be forever"
I saw you in my future
I saw us together
fighting against unseen odds
I saw it n felt it
I saw the love in your eyes
I felt it within you
I understood your unspoken words
I learnt your language
I learnt you as a whole
I accepted your flaws
as you took in mine
you were my best friend
my confidant
my shoulder
a pillar for a while
you taught mi a lot
showed me most
understood my language
I never saw it come down
I never knew you were done.
what did I do wrong
was my love overconsuming?
did I smather you hunny?
where did I go wrong
why were you upset?
you should have corrected me
or did you get it n run?
I thot I understood us
but this new language I didn't get
I thot I knew us, BT now I'm not sure
I would love to ask you these queries
but I will never get myself to
since we fell apart
n you couldn't explain it,
I'm sorry though
maybe I hurt you.
may life treat you well
till if I ever see you again.