

I haven't been able to write a decent poem in a while.
It's started of with a few days to weeks and now months.
I find that weird considering when I do write I always say a lot of unconscious thoughts that by some point lead into something everyone relates too.
Writing is weird.
It's weird because it connects you to people in ways they never want you to see.
I have diaries, random pieces of thoughts, a phone full of notes, and I haven't been able to write a thing.
Even now I'm writing but my brain is moving faster than my fingers type.
I don't like writing behind a screen, to me, it makes it all to easy.
But at the same time, I can't write on paper in a moving car.
Here am I writting screening my consciousness but I still have no idea where I'm going this.
I'm sure once I've finished I'll go back and reread and than edit my thought process of just a few minutes before.
Again, it's just to easy.
I think I have a faint idea of why I'm writting right now besides the fact that I'm bored and on my way home.
I met a boy.
I've meet boys before obviously...
But I met a boy.
He smells like the things he does behind closed doors and eucalyptus...
Sometimes vanilla after I've laid my head on his shoulder.
Which I love.
It's not a scent I ever thought I'd be un earthly attracted too.
But now, it's become one of my favorites.
I think he in general has become one of my favorites.
Now I'm out of words... except for I met a boy.
I met a boy and I can feel myself smiling as I write this very sentence.
I've been here before.
But not really HERE.
Not here with THIS boy.
I'm cryptic when I write.
I'm not sure why but when it comes down to it I really am.
I think largely, it's the best way for a person to feel me in there head and nod at their curiosity.
Maybe not though.