

Strength (we all need)
~From "Heart And Strings Collection"~

Do I look like someone who needs sleep?
Do I look like someone who needs pills?
Do I look like someone that can source motivation?
Despite greasing my face in damnation!
I just want to go back to days when making money was not a priority.
But a fringy.

Overthinking has got me obese with sleepless nights.
Could it have been much better?
When the lights are switched off and thought you have to find the switch.
But in reality, you have to become the switch.
A common phenomenon cascaded amongst less informed.
The art of raising a child
To know that a handy pocket is a coalesce of sweat and time.

Out of my bone she was.
Summoned to give peace
When it seems like I'm facing it all alone
She responds and gives me reassurance
I've envied her role in my heart
And understand the fact she is doing her duty so no need for robust appreciation.

The street goes do or die
First born always tend to live shorts. Welcome to America!
For the curse of the family they had to uplift. Thanks to media!

There is no true peace in this dimensions.
You can sleep last or sleep at last.
All you hear and see
Are the very cause of change for future plans
We had nurtured from birth.

The mirror reflects an untamed soul,
Eyes heavy with the weight of past and future.
Yet each dawn, a chance to rise,
To reshape the broken pieces within.
No pill can soothe the restless heart,
No light can blind the truth that tears us apart.

For amidst the chaos, I hold onto the string,
Tethered to dreams yet to be born.
The path is twisted, but hope still lingers,
A whisper that echoes through the night,
Guiding the weary back home.

To find peace, we must wander far,
Yet we never truly leave our scars behind.
They shape us, mold us, and teach us,
To embrace the trials, the pain, the climb.

So, we rise with the sun each morning,
Bearing the burdens of lives untold.
We carry on, with hearts unyielding,
For in this world, we must be bold.

And though the world may turn us cold,
The warmth of love, of hope, remains,
In every beat, every breath we hold,
A testament to the strength we’ve gained.

Thus, we strive, we fight, we dream,
In a world of shadows, where nothing’s as it seems.
But in the end, our spirits endure,
For the journey of the heart is pure.

From "Heart And Strings Collection"
© drichthepoet✪⭐🕊️