

Igniting a Fire Within
Let's climb the stairway to the moon,
Then sit and view the beauty of earths' blue lagoon,
The moon will guide us as we go wander along,
With love beside us to fill the night with a song
Grab my hand as I reach across the ends of space
Look into the eyes like summer saw us
Every direction of my heart turns so I can taste.
The memories offer warmth as a fire ignites from the flame
It's an unavoidable weakness. I fight the urge, and the heat forms a color so beautiful. It dances so wild, and it cannot be tamed.
The distance and time has cause pain like burns to the skin
When fire meets flesh and awakens wounds that didn't mend.
Its like gazing upon a scar or being at war.
But the battle is still being fought until water splashes upon our spirit, and washes us to the shore.
Please live in my heart, mind, body , and soul until I see you again ill think of you day and night.
Please pray for any wrong formed in our passion can be forgiven as it meets the light.
Until then I'll see you in all places and in every twinkle at night.
The only thing that I leave is the love that formed when our eyes first met. Until then I deliver a memory of the love I'll not soon forget.
In this life please remember the place I first collided with you and how you weakened my heart
Sometimes I pretend I never left and God gives us a new book to write our story. So I dream of us and a place we get a fresh start.

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