

Unknown is Known
A Destination so Close but feels Far! This Struggle Unknown,Yet so Known.
My Body understands but Mind still Denying, Playing Hide & Seek like The Tug of War!
Whether I belong here or I belong there?
Why such feeling of restlessness?
Is this a call from the Unknown? Am I Drifting Apart?
My Journey to this strange path,Although Unknown,feels like my Own.

Unknown was Known, waiting to Rediscover.
A making of Self from the Beginning to the End such as the End itself, paved my path to the New Beginnings?
I took Charge like it was destined for.
I Realise, It's not about one lifetime but Grossing of numerous many
Hidden within like an ocean of stories, wired deep in memory, tucked graciously in the form of Experiences.
This New Me or the Old Me?I like the Unknown & the Not so Known in Me.