

Type of days to cry
There's days I cry from pain
There's days I cry from overthinking
There's days I cry from loneliness
There's days I cry from feeling wrong

There's days I cry,
Where I cry,
Because I realise once again,
How happy you make me.
How safe you make me.
How secure you make me feel.
How unjudged you make me feel.
How cared for you make me feel.
How full you make me feel.
How loved you make me feel.

There's days I cry because of how sweet your words are.
Because of how they hit that spot in my heart.
There's days I cry because of how reassuring your words are.
Because of how they calmed my whole mind.
There's days I cry because of how much you care.
Of how I feel loved. Truly cared and loved for.

There's days where I cry from your love,
Today's that day my luv ♡