

Until Then
A year has passed,
Since you've left this earth,
And I'm still trying to cope,
With all of this hurt.

You were the best thing,
That ever happened to me,
You were there when I needed you, When know one else seemed to see.

I've missed the times,
We've stayed up all night long,
Dancing hand in hand,
To our favorite song.

Though we were just kids,
We were already planning our life together,
Imagining the life,
We thought one day would last forever.

On one special night,
That could not go better so it seemed,
You stuck your hand in your pocket,
And pulled out a promise ring.

You placed it on my finger,
And looked deep into my eyes,
As you whispered "I love you"
I couldn't help but cry.

On the walk back home,
I was walking on cloud 9,
No other night than that,
Has ever felt more divine.

But the very next night,
Everything changed,
It came as such a fright,
When they mentioned your name.

They said you got hit,
As you were driving back home,
At that very moment,
I don't think I've ever felt more alone.

I stood there in shock,
And then fell to the ground,
Trying to cope with the fact,
You would no longer be around.

A few months later,
I found a letter in your drawer,
Not being able to find,
To whom it was addressed for.

With hesitation in my heart,
I read the black ink,
The further I got along,
I felt a small tear drop on my cheek.

"To my only love forever,
And forever you will only be,
I promise I will always be with you,
Though you may not visibly see me.
I'll miss the times we had together,
I hope you know,
But believe me when I say this:
I'm with you everywhere you go."

With everything within me,
Though it seems we're set apart,
I've taken these words you've written,
And have placed them in my heart.

I know one day,
I'll see you again,
And I know you're cheering me on in heaven,
Waiting for me until then

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