

in a race with myself
chasing structures like thick clouds in the sky;
i know i will never be
tall enough to get a hold of it

yet i still try to reach
sometimes needing external motivation
or some sort of comfort
everyone expects a man to always be strong

are you afraid?
feeling a little bit uneasy
because you want to try a new thing?
you have that tingling fear of exploring?

even the more reason you need to do it
because of that fear, go beyond that point
so you can see how life is beyond the line
although be careful of what you find

try to go a little farther every time
and do try to figure out that tingle
you will be astonished at what you find
there is true power within.

most people think i have my life figured out
they think my plan is full proof
but the truth is that my life is a struggle
i do not know how anything works

i try to figure it out daily
i try to motivate me
most of the time i fail at this
and there is no helping hand

when i fall
i always fall hard
in unfamiliar territory
where every stranger is a potential enemy

i want to rise, i really do
and almost always, i need help
the world can be so cruel
because most times, true love disappears

truth is, i know not the direction my ship sails
the stars do not align and i have a broken compass
right now, all i have is faith
and even faith declines a bit each day

but like the words of Andra Day,
" i will rise up, even in spite of the pain and the aches
i will rise up
a thousand times again"

©sage 2024