

child of power
rise, sweet child of love, of power and strength,
of such you were born. the blood and legacy
of a mighty conqueror flows through your veins,
uncorrupted, undiluted shall it forever remain.
you will grow to be a mighty power
who's words itself can crumble civilisation,
topple Gods and ruin galaxies,
its celestial might comparable to none
and all yours to wield. Although, be warned,
for incorrect use, for misuse and abuse
of such a grandiose power, of such obscenely
large amassing and coagulation
of strength untold and power pure
leads to untold consequence never seen before.
be wise, little one, be wise and sure,
do not be swayed or tricked or told.
know your mind and let it be your own,
but do not deny advice with the mind
it is manipulation for its own goal.
sweet, fair child, you have an arduous journey
that awaits ahead. I have no fear of failure
for I have complete belief in you, my child,
but beware of the hand that leads astray
and be wary of the hand that appears that way.

© stele