

Your lips may move 100 miles per hour

But you cant understand what i feel

So my dude made me cry, and moms past away

Im still the only captain, so stop reaching for my wheel

To understand you start with your ears

And secondly you except what your hearing as it unfold

Because thoughts are nice and opinions always welcome

But the facts are exactly the five W's that your now being told

At work they nicknamed me "The Machine"

My picture is one pain i never speak of when i talk

The the machine is broken to pieces inside

Nobody knows i had to relearn how to walk

Imaging a shard of glass pushing to the top of your foot

The cover cannot tell you my pain at all

Listen and understand when others talk

Better yet get off my court and gimmie my ball

People will say your faking in a heartbeat

Because your better than they are and your in pain

To me its motivation to keep going

Thats just momentum for you to gain

You can never fit my shoes

My name is nothing like a mike

Its me knowing that i can still do better

I fuel up daily on this type of fight

© Erica Marie Augustus