

"When I saw myself crying in the mirror" (EDITED)
When I gazed within the mirror's frame,
I found myself shedding tears of shame,
Yet in that moment, strangely, I felt free,
Releasing troubles that once haunted me.

Opinions differ, they question my might,
Am I weak or merely choosing to fight?
I cry not for weakness but to release,
Life's fleeting troubles, like a moment's lease.

Do I weep because it matters so much to me?
Partly no, partly yes, it's complex, you see,
I shed tears to cleanse my soul's old grudge,
To ease the burden, not for others to judge.

Sometimes I worry about the future's might,
But dwelling on it robs the present's light,
I don't mind my weeping, that's clear,
But toxic people, I'll no longer hold dear.

Loneliness creeps in, that's a fact,
But in solitude, there's beauty in abstract,
Stepping away from those who bring me down,
Doesn't mean I don't need anyone around.

The truth, it may be bitter to taste,
Yet its importance, can we not let it go to waste?
So I care not for the eyes that are red,
From crying for reasons that misled.

Yes, I admit, I may seem a bit foolish in stride,
But in my authenticity, I'll forever confide.
© mayorisan