

The love we share
There is almost nothing
we have in common.
Not our age, taste in music,
not even the color of our skin.
But I believe I know
of one thing that is the same:
The love that is between us.

This love runs deep and it is wild.
It started small and grew out like fire.
We took it slow, with understanding.
We worked it right and got a gift.
This gift we were given,
we both cherish.
For this gift we were given
was our only wish.

So I guess what I'm saying is
Though we can't talk
about the good ol days.
We can't sing along together
To most of the music we listen to.
And our trials and tribulations
of life haven't been the same.
I've learned with you
that love is so much more
Than these minor things.

It is staring into your eyes
and seeing my own growth.
Holding your hand
and feeling our strength.
Staring at our child
And seeing the two if us in her.

Your happiness is mine;
Your smile I cherish;
And your laughter is my joy.
So take me with you
Wherever you may go.
I have found my better parts
And I hope you found yours.