

Raining Blues
I always had a thing for dirty shoes, disobedient to my boundaries and careless to choose, blinded by a transient bound and vapid for clues, and to win each time means each time to lose.
Mischievous for meaningless pleasures,
disdainful of the truth that cost me important measures, digging for fortunes unbeknownst of my heretofore treasures, and I recompensed the price with vulgar failures.
Fortifying my sense of illusions,
and replacing them with empty bottles of delusions, but it takes a great level of wrath to reach this kind of conclusions,
since growth is always wrapped by a thread of fusion.
Wrongful of me to assume I didn't expect it to turn out this way,
I'm aware of my actions: consequences always come to the day, happiness goes and painful memories stay, beautiful people grow and awful ones dismay.
The enslaved that gets carried by dishonesty to a place of death, could never be knowledgeable about the expense of faith, and I am not a product of anyone: I created my own swath.
Expected to be misbelieved,
all of you are one kind, a mind that's dead but a body that lived, afraid to blast the truth you have all conceived, afraid to wear your hearts on your sleeves.
© #ahmed