

The immersing sun to me
In the evening, whenever I am alone,
I just look at the sun,
That is immersing in the river,
That is near our house,
I just feel like the Sun is also looking at me,
Saying that I am so bright and charming,
I have my own light and I lighten up the whole universe,
Still, this river reached to me,
Now I am losing my light and charm here and can't save myself,
As I solely thought of being very high and bright,
As humans, I never thought in the day time,
That my end will come in the evening,
As humans are ignorant like me,
About the evening of their life,
But next day I will prove to get rid of this river,
The water will let me free,
But the death won't let humans free,
When they will immerse in it.

Guys, I tried to write a poem in free verse please tell me how is it
© Aruwrites