

A little seed
In the quiet earth, a little seed lies,
Beneath the soil, where darkness vies.
With patient hope, it waits unseen,
Dreaming of the day it will become green.

Through the winter's chill and frosty morn,
The tiny seed lies still, not forlorn.
For deep within, a spark of life resides,
Ready to burst forth when spring abides.

With the gentle touch of sun's warm embrace,
The seed awakens, finding its place.
It sends a shoot towards the sky,
Yearning to grow, reaching high.

With each passing day, it stretches tall,
Unfurling leaves, answering nature's call.
From a humble seed to a mighty tree,
A testament to life's grand decree.

So remember, dear friend, in life's grand scheme,
Even the smallest seed can fulfill its dream.
With patience, faith, and love's sweet creed,
Anything is possible, indeed.