

Imagined Utopia
Deep down the world
There are people with no concerns
Yearning for life polished pearl
There's hope that's held firm
When their life isn't a swirl
They live and learn

It's the society's long urged humanity
Where there is peace and aminity
Dipped with each and every creature
Before we go down any deeper
There's the hope that's never lost
The spark comes right away
Till the death and beyond
That's the only way

That's the place
Imagined utopia
Has its no trace
Everything just in place
Life isn't the same there
Though it feels the same sun's glare
The midnight's shining flare
Sky high and ocen deep
It still doesn't have its peak

There aren't any souls' pourpose
None to oppose
No relief without pain
tears of joy and strain;all feel the same
Life there is a long lost chain
Just of hope and fame

Its existence, all a lie
Snap out and fight for life
Let the light of success make its time

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