

When I Met A Mermaid
I tried to cry but tears were afraid,
As if it was a mermaid, with long tails;
Sharp canine, able to swim, yet it fails
To prove it is also sapiens. A heart was
Mulling why she cries; over and

Over again for her sketchy try, 'cos
She was still striving to defy me, oh I was a dupe to loiter for her to whirl from a blue sky.
I realized thereby she did not worry, for my
Empathy; which awoke to be

An untrue plan to end its play, I was still hoping
That one day she would turn from a blue
Sky, though, I was in the vicious heart, to lay
It cast all the saps and erratic urges. Which
Had no certainty at her ocean, it was a lie

To make me another pie, yet she was forgiven
For her sacrifices, being a mermaid is difficult; She had to disguise herself, just
To hide its sharp fins and canines. So, it cannot fright descendants of my realm.

Nevertheless, she was not a sapiens like me;
She was a mermaid, and it was me to be
Blamed for letting inhuman, play the human's role at my worst, whose existence is still unproven, and still carries a doubtful

Tale, whose values nothing gives, hurtful
It was to admit; she was tryin' to decide and to end this playful act of this heart. A heart which Was already mulling for one's knock,
Who wasn't a mermaid, but a tale; 'cos sky

Was still blue, and I was still a dupe to try
Make her my soul, but mermaid made me cry
For its cruel desire of ransacking this self.

© Luca R.