

MY MAN 😘🖇🌚
A good man, with a heart of gold,
Always lending a hand, never growing old.
He goes out of his way, to help those in need,
A selfless soul, with a noble deed.

With kindness and care, he lifts others up,
And shows them a path, to a brighter cup.
He gives without expectation, or desire for gain,
A true hero, with a heart that's pure and plain.

His compassion knows no bounds, his love knows no end,
He's a shining star, that shines with a gentle trend.
He's a rock for the weary, a beacon in the night,
A guiding light, that leads to a brighter sight.

His selflessness inspires, and motivates us all,
To be better versions, of ourselves, standing tall.
He's a true role model, a hero of our time,
A good man, with a heart that's one of a kind.