

Your vision lights up like a fire consuming the very air around you. (The golden gems of your imagination) lost in the deep dark depths of a world

That believes it to be false. To be as if you've wronged yourself. Digging up remains of the flavoursome fire searching for faults. Scavenging for holes in your imagination

Contradictory words get to you through a maze ever lurking before you only to be dodged by you. Your mind unaffected baffled. Destined to prove your imagination

In a world of weeds. thorns. Ever snaking their way around you. Still you lay in a bowl of imagination soup naturally scraping the very gravel off your shoulders again and

again the gravel builds elevating your pain lacerating your insides once again. But. You lay there in a bowl of heavenly soup.Bowing down toward you.

The fire of your dreams knocking the wall of gravel. Extinguished with firearms raiding your mind. Our minds. You told me I am a lecturer of the mind. Of the soul. And you are a lecturer of optimism.

© Haul Guma