

A Real One !
How to tell if your a real one! You mind your business! You have never cared what the next person had going on ! If you deal with anyone on any kind of business you want a fare split or everyone to win. You don't start trouble , gossip or entertain people who do! You work for your own and don't use manipulate or get over on anyone! You are your authentic self every where you go. You don't talk about people or say things you wouldn't say if they were present ! You don't need a group of people with you to defend or protect you! You don't prey on the weak ! You stand in your beliefs with integrity , morals , and values no matter who's around! Right or wrong you stand on your business !💯 You never switch up, throw shade be different for money , status , clout , affiliation or recognition ! You aren't threatened by anyone else's success or shine , because you stand in your own light! If you embody these traits you are a real one ! if not look in the mirror and admit your a werido!
© ockindev213