

To Be Happy Is To Be Content
I have a blank mind,
Nothing is ever there.
Too much to unwind.
Too many questions and doubts.
What are we here for?
Why can’t life be easy?
It’s true that death is the end,
To all of the pleasures of this world.
Nothing is ever lasting.
And all things are temporary.
From people to places.
Maybe I’m fleeting from my pain.
How do I find stability,
Within the corruption and choes.
What have humans done to this world.
Why is there too much suffering and blood shed.
And the hurting, and the painful feelings of the absence of loved ones.
Although I have all the answers,
Within me.
I hope to save and help others.
And make this world and better place to live in.
Some day, I will meet my Lord,
You and me.
We both know,
That our time on here is short.
We need to live a meaningful live.
Purpose is something we all need to hold.
We are not in competition with each other.
Who’s better and who is not.
Humans driven by ego and success.
This will only give you temporary enjoyment.
To be happy in this life,
Is to be truly content.

© WarriorWithin