

What Do You Say
What can I say to you?
What can I do for you?
You already know everything,
It’s just a matter of moments,
before the world unfolds its secrets,
to the craving heart and soul,

What can we be to each other?
What can we see in one another?
Time will pass by,
and we shall see a bit,
of one another in ourselves,

Where is the next servicing station,
for recharging our exhausted soul?
It doesn’t exist,
The mechanism is build into us,
if we choose to be happy,
from a more reliable source,

What does it feel like,
to be the center of chaos or peace,
It’s all a state of mind,
Even an erupting volcano,
could bring a sense of belonging,
if we choose to see,
that we are a vital part,
of natural evolutions,

Where is this poetry going?
What is it trying to say?
I don’t know honestly,
Maybe everyone would have,
their own answers,
to these simply placed questions,