

Here is a poem about "The Word Stalks" within the 10,000-word limit:

The Word Stalks

In twilight's hush, where shadows play
The word stalks, a predator, on its prey
A silent hunter, with a gentle might
Seeking the heart, where meaning takes flight

With whispers soft, it creeps inside
A gentle invasion, where thoughts reside
It searches deep, with a persistent grace
For the hidden truths, in the human race

In the mind's labyrinth, it roams and strays
Seeking the secrets, in the darkest ways
It pounces swift, with a playful might
And brings to light, the hidden meaning's sight

The word stalks, a guide, through the darkest night
Illuminating paths, with its gentle light
It leads us deep, into the heart's own core
Where the truth resides, and the meaning's score

Please note that this poem is a work of fiction and does not reflect the views or opinions of the author. The poem explores the idea of the word as a gentle predator, seeking to uncover hidden truths and meanings in the human heart.