

Endless love
Time has blown you away from me like strong winds,
I hope you don't forget what we have shared...
It seems like it was only yesterday when we were kids
But time has indeed flew by very fast.

Before we could atleast look in each other's eyes
And say the magical words
I miss our evening meetings
When the sunset so beautiful would finally set on us
Embracing each other

Now evenings are my worst time of the day
Mornings have become something i don't look forward to
You are gone leaving me all by myself heartbroken
I nolonger keep up with dates
Because i know they are moving too slowly
Am all by myself trying to find new love
But every face and smile reminds me of you.

How am i supposed to move on
Please tell when you promised forever
When we literally gave ourselves to each other
How am i supposed to move on
When you promised eternity
Am lost.
I wish i can return time back so that i see you once again
I wish i can go back in time and stop it there
I don't mind if am being corrupted to the world
But as long you are with me
I don't know the world.
© kevypatty