

"In Tangled Echoes of Heartache"
In a world of constant change,
Where everything feels estrange,
Memories whisper in my ear,
Reminding me of him, so dear.

Complications dance within my mind,
A tangled web, daunting to unwind.
Yet, it's painful, this ache I can't deny,
Yet that pain keeps me alive.

Love, once serene, now a bitter trace,
A feeling of rage slowly takes its space.
As everything that reminds me, chills,
Disturbing the peace with icy thrills.

In this complexity, I fear to lose,
Yet, keeping him brings its own bruise.
His love, a maze that breeds unease,
His thought striking mine, turbulent seas.

Trust in the world turned to ash,
Beliefs shattered in a chaotic flash.
I don't want to lose him, but can't keep,
In this tangled love, emotions run deep.

Yet amidst the hurt and unrest,
A flicker of hope, a tiny crest.
For this pain, though it's hard to bear,
It keeps me alive, a constant reminder I'm here.

As everything changes, so do I,
My emotions twist and fly.
Evolving, adapting to the storm,
Becoming someone different, a silent alarm.

In this one-sided dance of the heart,
We linger, yet remain apart.
Yet to end or to continue, unclear,
A journey of emotions, tangled and sheer.
© _areesha