

Of every Realm
If love is a battlefield then I am surely laid open to the inflicted emotions of eveltioin to come to this conclusion.
I am but a woman they say a shell to fill.
Yet my soul is boundless and no matter there brow beaten ways I remember the old ways.
That I bring forth there bearn worlds a new name, a new face everytime I walk ,this battfield of broken glass.
I am the will that is to be reckoned with.
My will and words lay open souls and I also bring them home.
Back into the arms of my love.
Not understanding the flesh is just held fast.
Till my time to break from these chains you wrapped around me.
I am not to slow to pounce, besides love you should of looked deeper then before I am War.
I am Mother to this world of souls that is teaming and overflows.
My words not only waken the like minded but the sleeping ,and the dead and what lays in between lands.
Smile love Don't look so drafted it was only my hold on this world that kept me chained not your metel or words or spells I am a Goddesses of every realm...

© Letitia Adams