

Day 1052 of 1095
Spent a lot of years healing
After what I been through
Came out of the darkness into the light
Cuz that's what God wanted me to do
Almost lost my mind
Not once but twice
But I found it coming out of the blue
Coming out of such darkness
I felt renewed
He gave me reasons to wanna live life
My family, my children, my adoring wife
I was born into this gift of light
Almost lost it 13 times
Watching life pass before my eyes
It was an insane surprise
To see the many parts of my life
Come together like a movie
Stitched together, scene to scene
It's surreal like a dream
When reality comes knocking
We gotta come clean
Know what I mean
We gotta be honest about our reality
And what little I've truly accomplished
Here's to making that shit right, feel me
Been around the block more than twice
One thing is for certain
Life is beautiful, but it ain't always nice
Life has its rainbows
And it has the darkest of nights
It's a gamble So we roll the dice
I take my hits where I must
I learn my lessons quickly with little fuss
I keep my faith, in God I trust
All we have is that precious time
in the middle that we cannot waste
We must adjust
before we return to our maker
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust
And our spirit returns to the universe
As it must

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