

Through the years, I've watched you change,
from youth to wisdom, gracefully rearranged.

You grew right before my eyes,
and I fell for you, much to my surprise.

Once a tiny girl, with messed-up hair and a scrunched-up nose,
now a generous lady, with a bow in your hair, blooming like a rose.

I saw you laugh, I saw you play,
covered in dust and carefree clay.

I’m but an object, a mirror for you to see. For me?
You became my world, and your face is all I ever want to see.

A sweet soul you always carry,
never let it fade, never let it bury.

Someday you'll leave, leaving everything behind,
but I’ll stay here, waiting for you, with memories so kind.

Until I break, until I fade away,
I'll cherish you, forever in my display.

© chayansays...