

The days too eventually fell silent
The days too eventually fell silent,
No sounds, not even by the crows,
All you could hear was the sound of,
Fear knocking on the doors,
Paved the path with silent claws,
Uncertainty prevailed the winds,
Rustled leaves with scared wings,
Rivers wispered while moving along,
Looked the dreadful heartless Strom,
Nights were even more haunted,
Terror guarded the lifeless streets,
People died and fell before the eyes,
Tears trickled for the loved ones,
Changed the whole scenario of life,
Entirely Froze the wheel of life,
Hidden masks mandatory to be visible,
Made the visible things disguised,
Couldn't even show the token of love,
Stayed away to catch one breath,
To be alive to see your life,
Lifelessness, uncertainty here and there,
added to the misery everywhere.

© @dr.Z